Friday, March 6, 2009

I've got The Fever ~ For You


Do you remember the first time you heard The Fever live? I do... as a matter of fact it was the first time I had ever heard anything by Bruce Springsteen... Aug 30, 1978... On that special night I'd not only get The Fever once... but twice. I'm sure that you know the story... after Bruce's show at the Coliseum, Miami Steve rushed to The Cleveland Agora where his second job was waiting... he was the guitarist for Southside Johnny... and Johnny was waiting. Surprised when Bruce showed up with Miami... Johnny dedicated The Fever to Bruce just before Bruce joined him on stage!! Two shows in one night!! Two "Fevers" in one night... I'd never recover!! That same tour, sadly... would also be the last time that I've heard The Fever live... it was The Last Night of Darkness in 1978... but it wasn't the last time that Bruce has played it... A new video on youtube makes it possible to experience this soulful live performance at Bruce's "Big" 50th Birthday Show in Philly Sept 24, 1999.

I wish I had been paying more attention... then maybe I would have know that the ESB had reunited... maybe... just maybe we'll get to here The Fever live on The Dream Tour!!

Photos by: John Kelly ~ Cleveland Agora ~ Aug 31, 1978

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