Things feel so different now... as you rush home to your blog anxious to tell the (cyber)world about your new discoveries... Like an artist painting a picture you type up your wonderful review and then just before going to bed you contact me with the link and a goodnight kiss...
Hungry for more of you... I click on your link... and read your blog with delight... you are amazing... what a gift you have to be able to share your knowledge and opinions with such interest. How it warms me to stumble upon one of your silly little typos because I know how much you appreciate my "good-eye".
I slowly swallow your words... trying to absorb all that you've given as I watch your site meter rise. I'm so happy that you are happy... but oh how I miss your voice...
Last night you went to a show and this morning I got your message that you had an amazing time... but it seems that I will have to wait with the rest of the world for your review... you're "working on it now"... so it will be posted on your blog soon.
I just want to talk to you... have I lost you to your blog?
Wait... Is that the phone?? "Hi Baby!!"
Very good writing, and makes me wonder...how many can relate to a love has seemed to dim for a warm voice in favor of a computer screen...
Thanks for visiting, B(L)!!
I'm wondering with you...
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