Thursday, July 7, 2011


by Corrado Gambi, Riccardo de Gennaro & Angelo Todeschi


There is a sense of gratitude in having this chance to share thoughts, feelings, sorrows... And life... Our lives...

These days we are carrying this “double-way sense”...
On one hand, an enormous feeling of emptiness towards something which is over...
On the other hand, gratitude for having taken part of something extraordinary,
unique, unparalleled so far...

Things might get to an end... Lives get to their end...
But there is something which outlives all our lives and this...
this is all our emotions, dreams, personal stories, loving feelings, passions...
These are our own lives, through and through...

They are so much ours that we end up mixing them, almost melting them, with those of our songs’ heroes... We have crossed this shadow line to the point it’s now hard to get back and understand what is real and what is not... what it’s about is dreaming... We grew up with this whole thing and we have been building our future full of ideals, principles, landmarks, and yet so many doubts and fears... With this music and through this music’s lyrics... We had the great opportunity to travel, to meet so many people, to find each other and share pieces of ourselves,
thanks to – let’s say in this way -

This whole thing has never been just about “rock’n’roll”, although it was great to focus on that all those nights we spent jumping and shouting all our joy...

We have been shaped by this whole thing and we’ll keep carrying it in our souls forever...
until the end... really until the end!

Today we are overwhelmed by this pain, feeling colder inside, with our faces bathed with tears, wondering “and now?”... But, we can look back and find a greater smile ready to embrace us all and filled with gratitude... Gratitude for our friends, companions, loved ones, miles, venues, highways, airports, banners, sleepless nights, queues, roll calls, stories...

We will always be thankful for having had the chance of growing up with all these things, for having looked into our childhood myths’ eyes... For having touched the sky many... oh so many times...

Nothing is taken away from us today, nothing... because all these things belong to us... to all of us...
and we all have far enough emotions to let the LEGENDARY E- STREET BAND shine forever!
It’s the best present we have been receiving
and we returned it with all the intensity and honesty we could.


It was honesty we staked on, with ourselves even before than with the others.
When we listened for the very first time to Born To Run, or Thunder Road, or Racing In the Street, or Candy’s Room, or Hungry Heart or any other song which we started this long and passionate love connection – as it is love what we are taking about –
we wondered about and staked on the honesty of our heart, pure, obviously vulnerable,
yet mold-able by all those things that first promise granted us the access to.
We all had to face sacrifices, both physical and economic, emotional and of conscience,
to respect the honesty of that promise.

Now we’re exhausted, tired out by the painful thoughts we had to cope with during these last days and stunned, but also supported by the certitude that this enormous inheritance,
even more when time will have shaped it in its real consistence,
will keep being an extraordinary spur to fulfil our life with.

Perhaps we are, thanks to Bruce and many of the people his music allowed us to meet,
much better persons than what we would be without this incomparable emotion.

We have made mistakes, we fell, we cried and we have been late.
But we also laughed, loved (very much and for real) and jumped a little higher.

Higher than what? Who knows!?... but it was higher... really higher...

A big hug, blood brothers and sisters all over the world, long time companions of this thrilling and wonderful journey... “a really good companion for this part of the ride”... the best one...

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